SNB have experienced Facilitators that deliver a classroom based Metal Detection Principles and Practices Course which satisfies all major retailers' codes of practice (COP). This course can be delivered on your site or at our Sherburn in Elmet Training Centre. Course content can be tailored to suit your requirements and typically involves the Marks and Spencer Tier A/ B/ C/ D modules. After the duration of this day long course each Delegate must pass an individual question paper to qualify as a Subject Matter Expert (SME) and receive a certificate.
This is a classroom based, full day learning course and is deliverable to up to 6 Delegates in one session. All course literature and training manuals are provided within the course fees. SNB will use demonstration Metal Detector Search Heads which, where possible, are the same manufacturer and model as your site’s Inspection Equipment. This will demonstrative key learning objectives to all Trainees. Subject Matter Expert (SME) Certification will be issued upon successful completion of the course once Delegates have demonstrated their knowledge and competencies.
All personnel who have interaction with a Metal Detector on-site will benefit from this course. We advise training across all departments; Technical, Production, Quality Assurance and Engineering, not just Line Operators. This course provides in-depth training and can assist with on-site ‘Standard Operating Procedures’ (SOPs), preventative maintenance policy and procedures, HACCAP monitoring, risk assessment and critical control points. The following are examples of Employees who will benefit from attending the SNB Metal Detector Principles and Practices Course;
Completion of this course by Employees of the business has economic, environmental, and personal development benefits. It will influence best practice within the work environment. It will also support internal health and safety policy and procedures. Knowledge of the correct testing procedures and why they are important will reduce the risk of contaminants and ultimately the high cost of re-work. Retail Auditors will ask for evidence of training records because they wish to have demonstrated that people involved with their product production understand the importance of Metal Detection and other Inspection Equipment. Food safety is paramount.
This course is adaptable and our Facilitator will provide information for all tier training modules;
General understanding of metal contaminants and is beneficial to any member of staff who are in contact with a Metal Detector. Our course offers a basic understanding of cleaning, good housekeeping tips, why we examine food for contaminants and how important it is to be aware of the environment. This promotes good practice and mindfulness of how to reduce the risk of contaminants.
More in-depth training module. Line Operators and personnel who are responsible for routine testing of the Metal Detector will be confident in carrying out testing, when to carry out and how often to carry out testing, and how to test the fail-safe mechanisms and the importance of these.
Equivalent to Subject Matter Expert. Where knowledge of the understanding behind how Metal Detection actual achieves its results and limiting factors the affect them is detailed.
Training of this level is for Technicians and Engineers. This provides an overview of how to trace faults, basic fault finding, and the importance of planned preventative maintenance (PPM).
The course can be tailored to suit the individuals that are attending and we will work with our customers to ensure specific topics are covered in more detail based on their role in the Company.