It is important, for accreditation purposes, that Inspection Equipment is calibrated at least once a year. SNB provide Calibration, Performance Validation and Service contracts that satisfy all major retailer compliance requirements.
As a supplier to the food manufacturing industry, SNB are keen advocates for the prevention of contamination. The support we provide ensures systems and programs on Inspection Equipment are working to declared levels.
At our customer’s request we can provide a ‘Best Sensitivity’ exercise for all site Metal Detection. This is often requested by the retailers with the set up and testing for optimum performance required for each product running down each line. All limiting factors for sensitivity are detailed and recommendations are put forward to further improve results where possible. See Best Sensitivity Checks for more information.
SNB can provide either Performance Verification or Calibration Certificates upon the customer’s request. A Performance Validation Certificate is an enhanced form of our standard Calibration Certificate with additional checks on fail-safes specifically in place for Marks & Spenser production. A Performance Verification Certificate can only be provided when the Inspection Equipment meets this specification and has the following fail-safe equipment functions in full working order;
When conducting a calibration, SNB engineers will check and report on the following points. The bullet points highlighted in blue will also be checked for customers who require for a Performance Validation
Over the years, we have worked with customers in all parts of the food sector who are working towards retailer specifications. Many of our customers supply to the ‘Big 4’ Supermarkets as well as regionalised supermarkets and smaller shopping outlets.
Getting a quote from SNB could not be easier. To quote for your calibration, we will need to know the following:
From the above, we will be able to determine which of our three locatiobns is closest (Sherburn In Elmet, Yorkshire / Luton, Bedfordshire or Bathgate, West Lothian) and send across a price as soon as possible.
After our engineer has completed your calibration, we will aim to get certificates sent across as soon as possible. For those customers who have an audit, we will do our utmost to prepare and send your certificates as quickly as possible.